3d Art in The Growing Artist Aggregation

All things art go here! Share your awesome creations!!

Oh, and here's just a little showcase of the red mage guy that I modeled for my new profile picture.

Ok this next model is probably gonna be really cursed when its finished but uh, we'll see


Ducklings – grass, river n summer

Three dimensional scene for today about theme of little ducklings. And summer field. Ducklings are very yellow. And they like a little sun. Because of they are themselves as yellow as a little sun.

So I made a new 3d model that I worked on during my break and here it is. Hope you guys like it.

if you ever feel like your model's unoptimized, just look at this tinky winky model i made when i was like 8 or smth

(this hubba junk is around 3M triangles)

I modeled a cartoon version of Popgoes. I wanted to make the mouth a texture but i didnt like how it looked, so i guess he just has his mouth closed.

And i need to fix the rig, thats why it looks a bit funky in some places

"Our newest experiment has been successful. The subject is a tree with dark and white colors. The subject seems to emit light from its leaves. Does it have other qualities? I wonder...."

The Deep Poolrooms.

Thanks to @Evil_beanos It will be easier to make the poses in 2d, thank you man (i only own the 2d art on the background)